Go inside the first ‘Harry Potter’ Illustrated Edition
I am totally drooling over this book.

Edmund Unravels
This looks like an adorable children's book <3

How DNS Works
You want a cute and entertaining way of learning about DNS? (Now that's one phrase I never thought I'd say.) Well this comic is for you!

Art by Hsin-Yao Tseng
This artist's loose style gives his work so much energy!

Words on Vermeer's Young Woman with a Water Pitcher

Did Vermeer use optical devices to assist in visualizing and composing his paintings? I think it’s likely (as did many artists throughout history). But for those who suggest that this in some way lessens Vermeer’s genius, or diminishes his power as an artist, I can only sigh, shake my head, and say I’m so sorry to hear you have no poetry in your soul.

I will definitely be spending some time on this Illustration History website, recently launched from the Norman Rockwell Museum.

Illustrator & papercraft artist Owen Gildersleeve
This artist's technique is mesmerizing and refreshing.

Design & Illustration by Teagan White
Love her style and subtle color palettes! Funnily enough, I just recently saved the book "Vengeance Road" on my goodreads' to-read shelf based on the cover alone - I was pleasantly surprised when I was browsing through this artist's site and discovered she created that piece.