Inspired By Her Grandmother, This Designer is Making Custom Tableware to Improve the Lives of Dementia Patients
Design doing good!

How GoCardless Hires Designers
Love when companies give insight into their internal processes; in this case, how this company hires designers.

How We Designed And Built Our First Apple Watch App
Interesting design case study here. Surprising twist at the end...

Why empty states deserve more design time

Empty states are actually full of potential to drive engagement, delight users, and retain users at critical moments like when someone downloads the app, clears out their content, or runs into an issue.

I Shot the Serif
Legit lol'ed at the title to this fun game.

Better Image Borders with CSS Blend Modes
Photoshop blend modes exist in CSS?!

Inside Design at Tom's
Love their shoes and the good work this company does - seems like a fulfilling place to work.

Hurry! Great Home Building Opportunity!
Or, the ignorance behind speculative design contests and the dangers they represent

There’s time, and skill, and creativity going into making those things for you. And anyone who honestly thinks that time, skill (a bi-product of time), and creativity aren’t raw materials with real monetary value, you can just continue buying $5-$100 logos for all I’m concerned. And we’ll just continue to not think about you at all.

Elon Musk: The World’s Raddest Man
It took me several days to read this series on Elon Musk + Tesla Motors + SpaceX. Absolutely worth the time - it is such a fascinating read, and exciting to think that revolutionary changes like this might actually happen in our lifetime.