Links from around the web I’ve found interesting recently.

This color photograph was taken in 1913

Accessible Color Combinations
This tool will give suggestions of accessible color combinations based on your combination that did not pass a contrast check.

Fear of Failure
Milton Glaser on the fear of failure.

Resetting Agency Culture
Applicable to fostering any creative environment.

Practicing Empathy with Teams

To help me understand the perspective of designers, I’ve tried to learn more about design. Learning a bit about what the other folks on your team do and how they may come at the project can be eye opening.

This is important. Written from the point of view from a developer, I really appreciate her taking the steps to learn some design. This was an unintended side effect I found when learning html & css. Learning both helped me design more efficiently, sure, by deciding how it was going to be implemented while I was designing it, and understanding its limitations. This has helped me in my job role by emphasizing more with my co-workers, whose full-time job to do this work.  The points are beautifully stated in this article.

For Career Success, Major in Art History
There is hope!
(Art history was actually incredibly valuable to me, maybe even more so than classes that taught technical art skills...)